Wednesday, 1 August 2012

The First Book of Nephi: Chapter 6

Nephi says he's not going to rewrite the plates here, because his Dad has already done that and there's not much point in rewriting an existing work. (Which is kind of ironic really. Big chunks later on are snipped straight out of the King James bible. But shhhh!) He says it is suffice to say that they are decendents of Joseph. (See. I told you so, in chapter 5.)

He doesn't want to rewrite all the stuff his Dad wrote because he wants the room in the book to write about his stuff and God, so that he may persuade other people to believe the same way he does. But don't get him wrong, he isn't going to write stuff that will pander to your fickle desires. No, he's only going to write stuff that appeals to GOD'S.... uh, to God. So if you don't like it, it's because you don't get God.

And he leaves a message for his kids and descendants saying they need to follow this rule.

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