Thursday, 9 August 2012

An Introduction

This is going to be The Book of Mormon, as translated into common sense by Amber, possibly with bias. I'm going to put all the posts in backwards date order, so that it reads like a book rather than a blog. I hate reading things backwards on blogs!

As many of you know, I'm a Pastafarian - and happy in my beliefs. I'm a realist, pragmatist, evolutionist and strongly believe that sciences hold the answer; I particularly enjoy physics and trying to wrap my head around complicated topics such as the Menger Sponge. I also enjoy learning about other beliefs, particularly their creation theories. It is fascinating to see how different faith viewpoints affects people in day to day life.

However, I have to wonder at some folks. How can you deny evolution when there is so much evidence of it, both in modern evidence and in historical records like fossils? I'm a little fed up of hearing "So, you think we all came from monkeys?"

No. No, we did not come from monkeys. You are missing the point of evolution.

Look at it like this: you have a pound. Or a dollar. Or whatever. You put 50p (or whatever, call it pence for now, it makes it easier on me) in a bank account earning 1% interest per year. We will call that Coin A. You put the OTHER 50p in another bank account earning 2% interest per year. Coin B.

They are both halves of the same coin essentially, they are the splitting point of a branch. In one hundred years, Coin A is worth £1.35. Coin B is worth £3.62. Those are radically different end results at the same time from the same thing, with a slight variation affecting both coins. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Anyway, I mention this because we had Mormons visiting, and they gave me the Monkey Line - and left me a Book of Mormon.

And I started to read it. And then I started to REALLY read it.

And so I've made a common sense translation. It IS going to offend people, particularly Mormons - and for this I apologise straight up. I am happy to explain my rationalisations, and I would dearly love to hear your views and where I am wrong.

Just one note of warning: you can NOT answer with "Because God".

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